Servizi Integrati per i Beni Culturali

Filippo Iannì
I graduated in 2003 in Prehistory and Protohistory from Rome University “La Sapienza”; in 2007 I was awarded with the Specialization Diploma (equivalent to PhD) in Prehistory from the same University. In those years I have participated to various excavation and surveys campaigns in Italy and abroad, achieving a wide experience in the methodology of archaeological research. In 2001 I started mine professional activity in the field of contract archaeology, working for commercial archaeological companies involved in rescue archaeology in Rome.
In 2008 I attained a first level Master degree in “Geographical Information System and the Environmental and Cultural Heritage” from Enna University “Kore”. From 2008 to 2011 I have been part-time lecturer of Mediterranean Prehistory, within the course hold by Dr. Enrico Giannitrapani at Enna University “Kore”.
Since 2011 I am co-founder member of the company Arkeos – Servizi integrati per i Beni Culturali, based at Enna. Since 2012 I have been co-directing, with Enrico Giannitrapani, the Summer Field School “Archaeology in Central Sicily: the prehistory of the Erei”, and the archaeological research at Tornambè and Case Bastione.
My professional activity developed particularly in the fields of archaeological research, preventive archaeology, topography and photogrammetry. I have directed preventive archaeology projects, involved in public works in Sicily, such as wind farms, photovoltaic systems, pipelines in Sicily; I am currently directing the archaeological surveillance for the construction of the road network “Nord-Sud, S.Stefano di Camastra-Gela” in the provinces of Messina and Enna
In 2004 I have published the monograph “Il Castellucciano nel bacino centro-occidentale del fiume Salso”; I am the author of various scientific papers; I have participated as key-note speaker at numerous Italian and international conferences, presenting papers on the Sicilian prehistory and protohistory.
My specific research interests concern landscape archaeology, with a particular reference to population dynamics in the Copper Age and Bronze Age of central Sicily, together with the typological and chronological analysis of prehistoric material culture. A particular attention is also given to the methodological aspects of archaeological research, together with the use of the most updated survey techniques, such as photoplans, planimetric survey, air photogrammetry, and 3D digital graphic rendering.

Cell.: +39 328-5896231