Servizi Integrati per i Beni Culturali

2020 training excavation Join Arkeos for the 10th season of excavation at Case Bastione!
07 September-17 October 2020
No fees are required:
technical equipment, lodging, local transport are offered; participants will pay for their own travel and meals. Accident insurance is required.
The accommodation will be guaranteed to all participants in a structure made available by the Municipality of Villarosa.
nb a minimum of 5 participants is required for the excavation to go ahead
Certificates will be provided.
The site
Case Bastione, located in the valley of the river Morello, is a large settlement dating from the
Final Neolithic (4th mill. BC) to the Bronze Age (2nd mill. BC). In previous seasons a production
area dating back to the Final Copper Age (2700-2300 BC) was investigated. Finds included some of the oldest metal smelting furnaces known in Sicily, along with some huts dating to the Early Bronze Age (2300-1600 BC), containing a rich collection of vases and tools.
Site based activities
Stratigraphic excavation and recording of archaeological deposits, survey, planning, use of 3D laser scanning, ortho-photo-methodology (mapping, digital surfacemodelling) and UAV (drone).
In the lab
Processing, cataloguing and graphic documentation of finds, data management (database, GIS, digitization of site plans, etc.).
Optional activities
Visits to major museums and archaeologicalsites (UNESCO WHS Villa del Casale, Valley of the temples at Agrigento) will also be organised for a small fee.
For further information and to register, please contact:
Secretary: arkeos.field.schools@gmail.com
mob.: (+39) 333-3643403
10th season of archaeological investigations at Case Bastione - Villarosa (Enna) - Sicily

Previous Projects
Archaeological investigations at Tornambè (Pietraperzia - Sicily)
2015 training excavation Join Arkeos for the 7th season of excavation at Tornambè!
Session 1: 06 - 19 Sept
Session 2: 20 Sept - 03 Oct
Register by 14 August
€ 500
included: excavation training, educational materials, meals, accomodation, local transport.
not included: travel costs, personal equipment, optional activities, insurance.
Accommodation for sessions is provided in rented apartments with 2 or 3 beds per room.
Max. 12 participants per session
nb a minimum of 8 participants is required for the session to go ahead
Certificates will be provided.
Payment of the appropriate fee is must be made within two (2) weeks from the start of the chosen session, or participation will not be possible. Payment can be made by international bank transfer (IBAN: IT 27 O 08985 83450 000000011875), with the reference: Participation fee Tornambè 2015, clearly indicating the chosen session.
Beneficiary: Arkeos s.c.; SWIFT code: ICRAITRRRD0 (the last character is zero).
The site
Tornambè is located at the top of a steep ridge in the valley of the Southern Imera river.
It was occupied from the late Neolithic (4th Mill. BC) until the Greek Archaic period (7th-5th cent. BC). Cut into the rocky ridge above the site are various tombs. During previous seasons some large huts (d 8-10 m) dating from the Late Copper Age (2700-2300 BC) were excavated. Finds included
a rich repertoire of slipped and painted wares.
Site based activities
Stratigraphic excavation and recording of archaeological deposits, survey, planning, use of 3D laser scanning, ortho-photo-methodology (mapping, digital surfacemodelling) and UAV (drone).
In the lab
Processing, cataloguing and graphic documentation of finds, data management (database, GIS, digitization of site plans, etc.).
Optional activities
Visits to major museums and archaeologicalsites (UNESCO WHS Villa del Casale, Valley of the temples at Agrigento) will also be organised for a small fee.
For further information and to register, please contact:
Secretary: c/o Paolo Guarino, arkeos.field.schools@gmail.com
mob.: (+39) 333-8464284
Download the brochure

Download the brochure
2015 training excavation Join Arkeos for the 5th season of excavation at Case Bastione!
Session 1: 22 March - 4 April
Session 2: 5 April - 18 April
Register by 28 February
Session 3: 5 July - 18 July
Session 4: 19 July - 1 August
Register by 15 June
€ 600 - Sessions 1 & 2*
€ 350 - Sessions 3 & 4
included: excavation training, educational materials, meals, accomodation, local transport.
not included: travel costs, personal equipment, optional activities, insurance.
*Accommodation for sessions 1 & 2 is provided in rented apartments with 2 or 3 beds per room. Sessions 3 & 4 participants will be accommodated in a dormitory at the local primary school.
Max. 12 participants per session
nb a minimum of 8 participants is required for the session to go ahead
Certificates will be provided.
Payment of the appropriate fee is must be made within two (2) weeks from the start of the chosen session, or participation will not be possible. Payment can be made by international bank transfer (IBAN: IT 27 O 08985 83450 000000011875), with the reference: Participation fee Case Bastione 2015, clearly indicating the chosen session.
Beneficiary: Arkeos s.c.; SWIFT code: ICRAITRRRD0 (the last character is zero).
The site
Case Bastione, located in the valley of the river Morello, is a large settlement dating from the
Final Neolithic (4th mill. BC) to the Bronze Age (2nd mill. BC). In previous seasons a production
area dating back to the Final Copper Age (2700-2300 BC) was investigated. Finds included some of the oldest metal smelting furnaces known in Sicily, along with some huts dating to the Early Bronze Age (2300-1600 BC), containing a rich collection of vases and tools.
Site based activities
Stratigraphic excavation and recording of archaeological deposits, survey, planning, use of 3D laser scanning, ortho-photo-methodology (mapping, digital surfacemodelling) and UAV (drone).
In the lab
Processing, cataloguing and graphic documentation of finds, data management (database, GIS, digitization of site plans, etc.).
Optional activities
Participants will attend a series of lectures given by leading archaeologists and experts on issues
related to the methodological and practical aspects of the archaeology of Sicily.
Visits to major museums and archaeological sites in the province of Enna and Sicily can be
also arranged on request for the weekend.
For further information and to register, please contact:
Secretary: c/o Paolo Guarino, casebastione2015@gmail.com
mob.: (+39) 333-8464284
5th season of archaeological investigations at Case Bastione (Villarosa - Sicily)

2014 Archaeological investigations at Tornambè (Pietraperzia - ITALY)
Participation restricted to a maximum of 15 participants per session (everyone taking part in a session will receive a certificate of participation)
Session I: September 01 - September 14, 2014
Session II: September 14 - September 28, 2014
Session III: September 29 - October 12 2014
Registration deadline: 15 August 2014
Participation fee:
€ 400,00 per session
The fee includes: participation to scheduled activities, educational materials, meals, accomodation, local transport and accident and medical insurance. It does not include: travel costs, personal equipment, optional activities.
Payment of the appropriate fee is must be made within two (2) weeks from the start of the chosen session, or participation will not be possible. Payment can be made by international bank transfer (IBAN: IT 27 O 08985 83450 000000011875), with the reference: Participation fee Case Bastione 2014, clearly indicating the chosen session.
Beneficiary: Arkeos s.c.; SWIFT code: ICRAITRRRD0 (the last character is zero).
In case of late cancellation, fees paid will be refunded minus 50%.
The site of Tornambè
Tornambè is located on the top of a steepridge placed within the valley of the SouthernImera river. It was occupied form the finalNeolithic (4th mill. BC) the Greek Archaicperiod (7th-5th cent. BC). In the previouscampaigns we have explored some largehuts (with diameter of 8-10 m) belonging toa village dating to the Late Copper Age (2700-2300 BC), containing a rich repertoire ofslipped and painted wares, as well as varioustombs cut into the rocky ridge.
Educational and scientific activities
On the site
On the site stratigraphic excavations of prehistoric deposits,survey, planning, use of a range of archaeological tools, including 3D laser scanning.
Inthe lab
Cataloguing and graphic and photographic documentation of finds, information management (database, GIS, digitization of site plans, etc.).
Optional activities
Participants will attend a series of lectures givenby leading archaeologists and experts on issuesrelated to the methodological and practicalaspects of the archaeology of Sicily. Visits to major museums and archaeologicalsites in the province of Enna and Sicily can bealso arranged on request for the weekend.
For further information and to register, please contact:
Secretary: c/o Arkeos s.c., arkeos@hotmail.com
mob.: (+39) 333-3643403 - (+39) 328-5896231 - fax (+39) 0935-32697

Fourth season of archaeological investigations at Case Bastione (Villarosa - ITALY)
Participation restricted to a maximum of 10 participants per session (everyone taking part in a session will receive a certificate of participation)
Session I: March 31 - April 13, 2014
Session II: April 14 - April 27, 2014
Session III: April 28 - May 11, 2014
Dates for registration: from 23 December 2013 to 14 March 2014
Participation fee:
€ 400,00 per session
The fee includes: participation to scheduled activities, educational materials, meals, accomodation, local transport and accident and medical insurance. It does not include: travel costs, personal equipment,optional activities.
Payment of the appropriate fee is must be made within two (2) weeks from the start of the chosen session, or participation will not be possible. Payment can be made by international bank transfer (IBAN: IT 27 O 08985 83450 000000011875), with the reference: Participation fee Case Bastione 2014, clearly indicating the chosen session.
Beneficiary: Arkeos s.c.; SWIFT code: ICRAITRRRD0 (the last character is zero).
In case of late cancellation, fees paid will be refunded minus 50%.
The site of Case Bastione
Case Bastione, located in the valley of the river Morello, is a large settlement dating from the Final Neolithic (4th mill. BC) to the Bronze Age (2nd mill. BC). In previous seasons a production area dating back to the Final Copper Age (2700-2300 BC) has been explored. It has revealed the oldest metal smelting furnaces so far known in Sicily, along with some huts dating to the Early Bronze Age (2300-1600 BC), containing a rich collection of vases and tools.
Educational and scientific activities
On the site
On the site stratigraphic excavations of prehistoric deposits,survey, planning, use of a range of archaeological tools, including 3D laser scanning.
Inthe lab
Cataloguing and graphic and photographic documentation of finds, information management (database, GIS, digitization of site plans, etc.).
Optional activities
Participants will attend a series of lectures givenby leading archaeologists and experts on issuesrelated to the methodological and practicalaspects of the archaeology of Sicily. Visits to major museums and archaeologicalsites in the province of Enna and Sicily can bealso arranged on request for the weekend.
For further information and to register, please contact:
Secretary: c/o Arkeos s.c., arkeos@hotmail.com
mob.: (+39) 333-3643403 - (+39) 328-5896231 - fax (+39) 0935-32697